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Explore Our Services

The following is an outline of the service we provide including materials and equipment.


Providing expert advice, contributing to books, and making TV appearances to share their vast knowledge.


Pre-investigation research of the location (history of property, land development records,  census/death records etc.)

Field Investigation

Thorough exploration of homes and businesses to uncover paranormal activity and bring clarity to the unexplained.


Offering classes to teach the true nature of the afterlife, moving away from Hollywood’s fear-driven narratives.


Post meeting with client to review evidence (media stick provided with audio/video evidence)

- REM Pods

- Props and trigger objects

- Infrared/night vision and full spectrum video cameras

- Full spectrum digital photography camera

- Digital voice recorders

- Ovilus 5 (ITC device - instrumental trans communication device)

- EMF detectors (K2 Meter, MEL Meter, sensor pods) 

- SB7 Spirit Box

- FLIR  (thermal imaging camera)

- Parabolic dish

- Proximity sensor for trigger objects

- Spirit Radio device 

Professionally Equipped

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